Wednesday, April 6, 2011

End of art class

Last week was the end of Tonicci's art class. We decided not to enroll him in the next sessions anymore since we'll be going to the Philippines soon.

I was exchanging emails with his teacher and asked for feedback about Tonicci's development and behavior in class. Here is what she had to say:

"He was great in class.  Played well and participated in everything we did. We have a selection of developmentally appropriate activities that focus mostly on fine motor and social development.  The classes are quite short so the children all do everything for a short period of time.  Painting, ripping paper, gluing and colouring.  He participates well in circle and story time.  He is sometimes able to recite along with a story if he has heard it often.
Generally he is doing great, but unlike a day care setting, we see the kids for a short time frame and less days so we do not have the ability to track their development more thoroughly, as the total hours do not really allow for a good overall picture.  But from what we observed in the short period of time, he is doing really well."

he really likes his art class-  above are some of his recent art works

Ontario Science Center

We received discount tickets at the Ontario Science Center so we decided to use them right away. Tonicci and I stayed at the kidspark area for almost 4 hours while Jet was able to tour the site.  At closing time, we had to beg Tonicci to leave since he didn't want to go home. While walking out the Science Center, he had his arms crossed, eyes mad and said " I want to go back." Oh my!

he is fascinated with the hot air ballon

grocery shopping

paying for his groceries

building a house- he stayed for almost an hour here