Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The first time we took Tonicci to see a dentist was when he was a year old. It was a disaster. He was screaming his head off, didn't want to follow instructions from the dental hygienist, and was completely hysterical. Tonicci dreaded the dentist and we feared the screaming he would do.

Yesterday was his 5th or 6th time to see the dentist and lo and behold he was the complete opposite of what we were expecting. He sat nicely, talked to Stacy (the dental hygienist) and followed instructions perfectly. It was so amazing to watch.  As a reward, Stacey gave him stickers and told him that he could pick out two items from their 'toy corner' for being such a good boy.  Oh and what a treat for us to hear that he has no cavities! :)

at 2 years old, his second visit to the dentist- he looks tired and unhappy 

at 4 years old- so cooperative

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