Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My boy loves to shovel. I can always count on him to help me and his daddy.


After 7 months of feeling like a zombie, forgetting things too easily, not knowing the difference between night and day- I am so happy to say that Tinsley sleeps through the night now! Which means more sleep for me.Yay!
Having a baby is not easy. It takes awhile for your body to recover. Not eating on time, the  2-3 night time feedings and taking care of baby's needs can definitely take it's toll. Now that I sleep trained her, I am just too happy that I can get a good night's rest (fingers crossed that this will last)!
Thanks Tinsley for making me feel human again :) Now, the only thing we have to work on is how to find my double so you don't have to cry so much when I leave you :)

Dada feeding her ice cream. Not good Dada!!

New Year

New Year, new hopes and a fresh start. Here's to a beautiful and blessed year ahead!

I asked T to write his message for us for the new year on my journal

Jet helping me cook pasta

Kuya Rob's cousin and her family who just arrived in Toronto

he met a new friend


We went to Kuya Robin and Vanessa's house for Christmas day. I cooked lemon chicken with bacon and Vanessa cooked prime rib, molo soup etc. It was delicious!

We miss the hustle and bustle of Christmas festivities in the Philippines. We can't deny though that we were also happy to just rest and catch up on sleep during the Christmas break. It was an eventful year for the family- moving to a new townhouse, having a new baby, dealing with Tinsley's condition, etc. We were beyond exhausted. Still, our hearts are filled with gratitude for all the blessings.
Warning: Photo overload of Tinsley bear!

After much begging, T agreed to perform one song