Saturday, December 14, 2013

Via Christmas party

We attended the ViaRail Christmas party for the employees' children. We boarded the train just before lunch and it travelled all the way to Brampton. After, we went back to the maintenance center where the kids had a chance to have their pictures taken with Santa. They also gave the kids gifts and treats. Even Tinsley got one! :) What a nice day it was.





Tinsley bear

Our baby love in her happy moments. Believe me, she is also usually grumpy (especially when in teething pain) and a cry baby as well (she doesn't ever want me to leave her!)


School days

Tonicci loves going to school and is a very happy boy whenever I pick him up from the bus. Below is his class picture (notice his smile haha) and one time we baked after school.

at the book fair in school






With the help of relatives, friends and the class of Tonicci, we were able to ship out 8 boxes for the Yolanda victims. Such a little amount of help I know, but its better than doing nothing.

First solids

And she is starting solids!! How time flies! Started her with cereal at 4 months and now that she is 6 months, I am pureeing vegetables and fruits for her. All for my precious love.

kisses from daddy are the best!

she loves avocados

Santa parade

We missed the Santa parade in downtown so when I saw on the news that there is a Santa parade at the Beaches (where we live), I asked Jet to take Tonicci so he can see Santa! Since the weather was freezing that day ( and most days!), Tinlsey and I decided to just stay home. It has been an annual thing for Tonicci to watch this particular parade and good thing we were still able to keep it up for him this year!